I create art because it is exciting and liberating. My work frequently tells a story and often has an element of humor in it. I attempt to engage the viewer in my “narration”. They may never understand my intentions, but that is OK—the point is to enjoy the experience!
Due to varied expressions and textures, my subjects are frequently animals—particularly creatures of the ocean depths. But I also have a passion for bright, beautiful landscapes, particularly sunsets. I love the energy and intensity of bold color and rarely limit my palette to just a few colors. Texture and strong forms are always present in my work.
I begin most of my paintings on glass, making a quick color “sketch” with liquid acrylic and then print my sketch on to paper, Yupo or I might begin by pouring paint onto my substrate. Years spent in printmaking and experimenting with paint in the past probably influences my desire to incorporate these methods now in my paintings. This way, I am free to explore and manipulate the “accidents” that are created.
My pastels are quite the opposite of my acrylics. Particularly after working on a series of paintings, I feel the need to "switch" modes and will work in the "opposite" medium. My acrylics reflect a very textured surface, whereas my pastels are very soft.
My work is represented at The Art Market Gallery in Knoxville, TN. I am a member of the Tennessee Watercolor Society, The Knoxville Watercolor Society, Kentucky Watercolor Society, Oak Ridge Art Center, and the Catherine Lorrilard Wolfe Art Club in New York, NY.
Recent Honors and awards include: the Creative Catalyst Award at the Tennessee Newell-Henderson Annual Show; Honorable mention at The Oak Ridge Art Center Juried Show; Goodgall Memorial Award for Watercolor , CLWAC, New York; Award for Watercolor, Tennessee Watercolor Society National Juried Show, and inclusion in the Art and Cultural Alliance National Juried Competition. Purchase Award and Signature Status Award at the Tennessee Watercolor Society 34 Biennial Exhibition and Honorable mention at the Farragut Arts Council Juried Show, Kingsport Art Guild Award, Newell-Hendershot Show, Tennessee.
I can be contacted at or at artmarketgallery.net